God | Family | Country

My name is Holly Jones, your State Representative of District 88.

Professionally I am the VP of Wellness Development for Nepute Wellness/Dr. Eric Nepute. I also serve as the Business Manager for Renz Law LLC/Attorney Thomas Renz. 

Personally I am the the wife of John and Bonus Mom to Dylan and Aria. 

Additionally, I am a Patriot, Freedom Fighter and conservative red blooded American who will fight for our freedoms and God given liberties. I believe God leads my hand in everything I do and I will be there every step of the way to support this district in conserving our values and denying governmental overreach. 

As your State Representative,
I will…

 Lower Taxes

I will work to remove the state income and personal property taxes. I will fight for lower taxes in our community.

Fight Against Covid Tyranny

I will fight for NO more mandates or restrictions due to Covid-19 or otherwise.

Protect Our Children

I will battle for the unborn and work to lower the abortion rate in Missouri. 

I will fight to remove CRT and SEL from our classrooms and refocus schools on the importance of education. 

Uphold the 2nd Amendment

I will protect our 2nd Amendment and fully support lawful gunowners who hunt and wish to protect their families.